
















步骤 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
反射率(%) Over 60% 60.0% 41.0% 28.2% 19.5% 13.5% 9.2% 6.3% 4.4% 3.0%

Specification of this chart is same as the ITE Resolution Chart




(4)Interlace scan


(6)Linearity of scan

(7)Aspect ratio of scan


(9)Graduation sequence

Transmission or Reflectance of main parts is stated as follows;

(1)Transmission or Reflectance of inside white part of the big circle is 60% or more.

(2)Transmission or Reflectance of outside background of the big circle is 40±5%.

(3)Please refer to the list of Transmission or Reflectance of Grayscale Chart.

Step Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reflection Ratio(%) Over 60% 60.0% 41.0% 28.2% 19.5% 13.5% 9.2% 6.3% 4.4% 3.0%

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